Bridgeway specializes in working with preteens, teens, young adults, and adults.  Bridgeway’s areas of focus include, but are not limited to: anxiety, adjustment issues, addiction, depression, family conflict, men’s issues, OCD, parenting issues, stress, social skills, and women’s issues.  Everyday people of all ages face a variety of challenges and experience difficult life events of different proportions.  Life is constantly changing, giving space for new challenges to arise. Bridgeway Counseling helps people to work through life's difficulties and feel better about themselves. 

Since each person has different needs, counseling is tailored to the presenting need. Types of counseling interventions that may be used in a therapy session include: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused, Client-Centered, Choice Theory Therapy, Strength-Based Therapy, and Positive Psychology Techniques.



1 in 5 teens in the U.S. exhibit symptoms of a mental illness. That is 20% of children ages 13-18, who are currently living with a mental disorder. Preteens and teens have more stress from school then ever before, and they are being exposed to adult issues earlier in life.  This often leaves them feeling overwhelmed, which causes them to act out or isolate themselves from family.  Bridgeway helps adolescents to identify and verbalize their feelings, as well as learn to implement healthy coping skills and improve their life situations. For specific reasons to seek counseling, visit the “Areas of Focus” page.



Young adults are dealing with a variety of issues that past generations are unfamiliar with.  Pressure to succeed and "fit in" have reached new heights.  This is causing young adults to be susceptible to mental health issues.  Social media and the job market have created new challenges, and young adults are left without proper coping skills, and often with low self-esteem.  More than ever, people need a supportive environment to talk and work through their issues without judgement.  If you are a young adult struggling with the pressures of today or you are a parent of a young adult hoping to help your child, then contact us today! For specific reasons to seek counseling, visit the “Areas of Focus,” page.



Bridgeway understands that both men and women struggle with issues of their own, such as: anger, anxiety, depression, dissatisfaction with life, parenting issues, relationship issues, stress and work issues. Adults often push their own needs aside for lack of time or due to avoidance of discomfort. Although this tends to work initially, the lack of working on oneself and the avoidance of issues eventually catches up with that individual and impacts them and those closest to them. Bridgeway understands the responsibility that each person carries, and therefore at Bridgeway we understand the importance of getting each individual to living their best self. Bridgeway Counseling provides a supportive environment to talk about current and past issues.  You will also be given techniques, strategies and resources to help you perform at your very best. Stop living in a place of constant discomfort and contact Bridgeway today! For specific reasons to seek counseling, visit the “Areas of Focus,” page.